Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Harry Potter as a Christ Figure

So most of us know that the Harry Potter series was greatly rejected in the Christian community for its use of magic and "witch craft" but could you ever believe that Harry is actually an allusion to Christ?

Most of the people condemning the Harry Potter books haven't actually read them well enough to know that the magic taking place in the books isn't actually the "witchcraft" that is commonly associated with the Wicca religion, and that often the magic is done to do good, like saving an innocent animal in danger.

If these reasons aren't enough for Christians to believe that Harry Potter is a wholesome character and book series, then imagine that Harry is actually an allusion to Christ. Harry's mom sacrifices herself to the Dark Lord for Love, and this selfless sacrifice for the protection of the innocent is an important theme in Christianity. Harry is the Chosen One, like Christ, and at times he doesn't want to do what he's being asked to do but he chooses to do it anyway. At the end of the series (spoiler alert!) Harry sacrifices himself to Voldemort because of love (this relates to the salvation of human beings) and only decides to come back by choice (resurrection). Rowling also teaches us what it means to be "good" through Dumbledore who argues that we aren't born good but it is through our choices that make us good. Harry chooses to love, which is a power that the Dark Lord doesn't know. It is Harry's choice to love that is an essentially christian message.

This video sums this all up very nicely!

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