Monday, February 18, 2013

"Love Wins"

"Love Wins" was the book we discussed in class last Thursday, and I thought it sounded like a pretty interesting book!

From the reviews I read online, apparently the book centers around trying to get people to rethink their prior held convictions about heaven, hell, and Christianity. It addresses people who feel they have been wronged (exploited, assaulted) by people who claim to be Christians (this reminded me of sex scandals you hear about from Priests in the Catholic churches. Maybe I will do my next blog on this topic...) and Bell aims to correct those views.

The book explores the concept of heaven, which Bell views as an expression of God's love and constant incentive that what we do with our lives matters. Bell also reviews the concept of hell as a reality that consists of all the evils we see and experience.

The whole book review was pretty lengthy so I didn't get a chance to read it all, but here's the link:

"Love Wins" book Review

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