Monday, February 25, 2013

The Christian Oscars

As most of us know, the Oscars were last night. But what some of us may not know, is that there also exists such a thing as the "Christian Oscars" (or more formally known as MovieGuide) in which filmmakers and actors are honored for their role in spiritually uplifting and inspirational films that convey Christian values. These family friendly movies average $40.7 per movie, whereas the most obscene and violent anti-family movies average about $19.8 million per movie, according to the article.

The article throws out a bunch of statistics about how more patriotic, Christian movies tend to make more money than movies with immoral or atheist world views. The article also contends that the United States is viewed unfavorable among other countries, and this is solely because our vulgar movies portray American's as the "Great Satan." It's not perhaps because we consume 26% of the worlds energy even though we make up only 5% of the total population, or because we meddle in other countries affairs. It is because of our movies.

Either way, the "Christian Oscars" make the statement that more movies need to be family-friendly and portray good, Christian values.

Here is the list of the top 10 Best Movies for Mature Audiences honorably mentioned by MovieGuide from 2012 (They are in alphabetical order, with "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" coming in first):

  •  ”The Artist”
  •  ”Captain America: The First Avenger”
  • “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”
  • “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol
  • “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides”
  • “Sarah’s Key”
  • “Seven Days in Utopia”
  • “Thor”
  • “The Tree of Life”
  • “The Way”
Check out the article here!

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