Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox (the one inspired to create the Techno Cosmic Mass that I did my last blog on) is a priest and theologian who is the main component of Creation Spirituality. He is known for his belief in Original Blessing, rather than Original Sin, and his teachings have feminist, ecological undertones. He is also very accepting of homosexuality. He used to belong to the Roman Catholic Church but was soon expelled because of his controversial teachings (also because he referred to God as "Mother", didn't condemn homosexuality, worked with Native American spiritual practices, and taught the four paths of creation spirituality (via positiva, via negativa, via creativa, and via transformativa)).

After he was dismissed from the Roman Catholic Church, he became inspired to start the Techno Cosmic Mass and he founded the University of Creation Spirituality in Oakland in 1996 (this was later renamed Wisdom University). In 1999, he created and ran the Naropa Institute's (in Boulder, CO) masters degree program. Now, Fox still writes books and continues to teach the youth and the elderly about creation spirituality, while also instructing them in meditation and tai chi.

I hope for my next blog to do a little research on the Naropa Institute!

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