Monday, February 4, 2013

Women Priests

I just received the book "When Women Were Priests: Women's Leadership in the Early Church and the Scandal of their Subordination in the Rise of Christianity" in the mail and so far it's fascinating! We have to do a book report for my Christian Traditions class, and I definitely think this book was a good choice.

A couple interesting quotes:

"A woman, unlike a man, is perceived to be inseperable from her sexual nature, and as a priest she would bring sexuality into the realm of the sacred" (3).

Why has society imprinted this notion into our psyches? Why are women a sex symbol and not men?

"Now comfortable with their presence at the altar, over 75% of American Catholics favor women priests" (3).

Again, very interesting! Is it the woman's more compassionate, nurturing side that makes her favorable as a priest? What sparked this paradigm shift?

I will keep you posted with what I learn as I read more!

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