Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sex Scandals in Catholic Church

So as promised, I decided to do my blog today on sex scandals in the Catholic Church. Since I'm still reading my book "When Women Were Priests," this topic of sexuality in Christianity ties in nicely with what I'm reading.

Every now and then, we hear stories about little boys who were sexually assaulted by their Priests in the Church but these stories are often suppressed and don't resurface until years later. Often by then, the young boy who experienced it is now a man and able to make sense of what happened. I can't even begin to think about the psychological trauma that they were put through and how this may have translated into their adult life.

I ran across an article that interviews the Catholic Priest Father Benedict Groeschel, who believes that Priests are, in fact, "tempted" by young boys and even seduced. He refers to a convicted pedofile as a "poor guy" and he also says:

"Suppose you have a man having a nervous breakdown, and a youngster comes after him. A lot of the cases, the youngster -- 14, 16, 18 -- is the seducer," he told an interviewer.

I am in disbelief about all of this. In my "When Women Were Priests" book, a lot of discussion goes on between ancient theologians who believe that women can't seperate themselves from their sexuality, and any woman who asserts herself in public is basically a whore. I'm not kidding. Even Paul believed that women should wear a veil at all times to express her chastity and shame. But I'm making sense of all this now:

Men (and homosexuals/ pedofiles) may feel tempted by women (or little boys, etc) because, by nature, they have a more powerful sex drive. Instead of recognizing this, they blame the woman (or boy) for seducing them. Perhaps homosexuals or pedofiles are also confused or ashamed of their sexuality and therefore think that they may "cure" themselves by becoming celibate Priests in the Catholic Church. Obviously, that's not a solution. These sex scandals need to be recognized and addressed before more victims get hurt or blamed for them.

Here is the article about Father Benedict Groeschel:

 Father Benedict Groeschel  

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