Monday, February 11, 2013

Purity Ball

I've been doing a lot of research on female roles in Christianity lately (my book report is on "When Women Were Priests") and my roommate is taking a Gender Studies class, so she introduced me to this short YouTube Video.

Basically it profiles a Christian family with 6 daughters and a baby boy who are all home schooled by the mom. The family believes in abstinence and purity before marriage, and they believe that the relationship between the father and daughter is most important. The dad takes the girls on "dates" and gave the eldest one (who is 15) a purity ring.

The daughter says she won't take the ring off until she is married, in which case she'll replace the ring with her wedding ring. The mom believes that "females were created to feel accepted by men" and the daughter hopes that she never partakes in any impure behaviors, like kissing, or she will pray for forgiveness from God. It seems like the daughter is being passed from one man to the next (from father to husband) and her finger is never without a ring. Seems to me that she can never belong to herself and she always needs a man's approval. 

Check out the video of the "Purity Ball" that the husband takes his daughters to, it is pretty fascinating to have a look into these people's lives!

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